How to Press DTF Transfers

DTF Transfers can be applied on a wide range of materials including, cotton, nylon, treated leather, polyester, 50/50 blends and more (light and dark fabrics). You must use a professional heat press or Cricut press in order to apply a DTF Transfer correctly.

Pre-Press garment for 5 seconds

1st Press: 300 degrees for 10 seconds medium pressure

Set the garment aside to cool and move on to your next garment if needed

Peel Warm to Cool  Carefully peel  from a corner of the transfer. If you see the transfer has not attached itself don't panic just try another corner. (rubbing the film with a cloth is recommended but not mandatory)

2nd Press: Cover with teflon or parchment paper, 300 degrees for 10 sec, medium pressure.

Note: Firm and even pressure is important for good adhesion, avoid any pocket/seams/buttons/zipper/etc. within the press area

Polyester/Blend Fabric: Lower the temperature 250-285 degrees & shorten time 3-8 seconds, as these fabrics absorb heat at much faster rate.